Thats sounds wicked mealon, have fun man! Take some pics :P
-_- we all know you smoke doobies; hell you and I smoke them all the time ^_^ but really dip is so ****ing gross, all the people at my school do...
Yeah the more screenshots the better; Screens give us more of a guideline to what your map is and how it will play.
I like the second floor of the base and the way you used the windows. Good Job :D
Some of the walls look like the were not interlocked, but still it looks fun. I will give this one a download ^_^
Scarab just got rick rolled, nice screenie. 4/5
The pose is great, but the lighting not so much.
Speaking of aliens, did you hear about the "aliens" they found in Colorado?
Haha, nice now you just need to darth vader mask that the guy on bungie made. :P
This one is sweet, a fav in my book.
Wow, when I opened this I really did think you photoshopped it, but man thats insane. Good Job.
I got that same message this weekend, it was like "send this screenshot to all of your friends for recon". I was like nah im good. :P
1 v 1 = boosting heaven -_-
All the kids that go to my school use like "GOW Up in SMOKEXX420" or like "XXXsmokeWEEDXXX COD4"
I hate the Microsoft customer support, its the worst accuse for a illegal Immigrant hang-out. -_-
Im asking for mine right now LOL!! I say the post you made and wanted just Hashmeer :P
Played a game of team slayer on snowbound, thought it sucked and never thought back on it. That is until I got into it more about christmas time.
That looks really well made. Im impressed. 4/5 ^_^
Welcome, can't wait to see some of your maps :]