i dont get it.......... what do u do run down the hill than jump in the warp???? is there a vehicle on the map
let me see a map u made
u need to learn some manners .....u aint god .....he your pics dont work ..try photobucket and use embed code...there i typed something about pics...
very nice map 5/5 . just one question the map doenst look like u should be on the foundry floor and on the first pic in the bottom left corner it...
nice layout, also i like the sniper window in the base, the map looks breakable on the fence walls u can grenade bounce right over them.. unless...
this looks fun , i love mini infection maps...
thanks for the info .....appreciate it
wow cool idea i gotta download this , i cant believe i never thought of this... i seen one before on ghost town .. this takes the cake ...u can...
let me ask u something i asked a question in general chat , and u call that spam where do u ask a question then please tell me cause this place...
wow. really cool map judging by first pic i would love to play snipers on this good job ill dl and get back ....
omg this look like the funnest zombie map ever.... is that a warp i see in the room above thats normal locked in pic 2 ....pretty cool if it is.....
ps3 home rulezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i gotta say one thing about sony i havent hopped on the sony ps3 bandwagon yet because i love my xbox , but the other day i played at my friends...
...trying to see if i linked by map pic and link so when i type map reviews they can see my maps , i prob did this wrong so message me if u can...
this map looks really fun , i like the layout of the map , since it is a beta and u said things will change ,,, the map needs more geo merging...
i love the big turn that wraps around on this map , nicely interlocked .. is there any jumps on the map? nothin like a good jump at the end of a...
i need help with placing my avatar cant figure it out
do u know how people when they comment on a map they have a link to there maps also . any help is greatly appreciated
put teleporter behind door in reverse , up close to door, merge it to answer question about how to make a door a warp...
for me things look alittle crowded and stacked up , looks like u can get lost where shooting is coming from