hahaha wow looks great!!!!! i love switches!!!
wow awesome map jex!!!!!
ooo ok lol thanks hahahha
Very good map. Id like to see it or something similar in the future in Reach matchmaking. Thumbs up
Ooh myyyyy gooshhh!!!! Where do we have to send you the caption 4 the contest???
Wow awesome!!! I agree u should make more with similar contraptions as that one of the wall!!! Wow again!!!
Wow mander congrats!!!!! I loved the music in the vid too hahaha it gave it an awesome feeling!!!!!
Is it \kinda like Epitaph??
Im missing highground and last resort, snowbound, assembly, citadel,OMG LONGSHORE...:,( But now its all about reach
the altEr...right...anyway, good looking map :D
lighting I loved the lighting in the cave. The rocks look way cool.
oye pues te quedo bien ee!! Felicidades! And for English only speakers: im bilingual and think its great that so many people around the world...
Woah im surprised. Well done!!
great book awesome movie ill dl but didnt like barad- dur from the outside much. Haha well thats just me its awesome though
Its a great map and i dl it we will c more in future yes PERIOD
I would of worked a little more on the outer image, but cool anyway :)
looks great
its awesome!! Great ideas man!!! ill download everything!!! i loved swbf2 and even still play it!! hahaha wow please send me a message when you...
XD lol true
awesome laberinths could be made.