I like it better then a lot of the other stuff you make, but there is still some issues. The number one issue for me is the colors. Lower the...
Takes some work, but ya, it could happen.
My dreams are very real. I actually enjoy them most of the time. If I ever Lucid dreamed though, I think it would be amazing.
Time for forgehub to adopt this skin...
That first brick wall needs some work. It looks like it was cropped, which is not good.
[IMG] Tutorial (Its a link)
[spoiler] PSD (Click, its a link) <3 -ImagenSkins
The colors are too strong. Lower the contrast, and I think you did a good job
Eh, disagreed. I think the blur works very well with the depth, effects as well.
Wow Facepalm I just changed it, thanks for the heads up.
Klaydude11 Not even Close. Beautiful colors
Haha okayyyyy. Nice Find I disagree with 5
You do realize that the border is uneven on each side right? Anyway, I think you would have been better off without the clipping masks and the...
At 19-20 seconds you can hear a some type of launcher if you listen very carefully. Also, from your angle, you can not see the whole harrier....
Frag is awesome even if the world was the way it is now :D Anyway, I love the dress, and she is very pretty. Good job
I think your second shot was the one that killed him. Anyway, somebody must have shot an at4 or something that doesn't destroy on first impact...
Nah, your good bra Thanks and what do you not like about the first one?
Haha okay. Ill remove the black and white clipping mask. Anything else? --- edit [IMG]
**** Finals fllr
I stole your off to imagenskins thing in your sig lol :D