thers a cple spots on mts id show u using the map but im on mobile atm
@shaddo for sum reasn in xbx vrsion thers more fog so u cant go far, but in pc its considered a legit spot, everyone uses it /:
@ oj its allowed, in pc u r allowd 2 go farthr in the mts. it's a good push spot aftr the 1st 2 bombs
@wood leaf Playstation 2 - /v/'s Recommended Games Wiki
roller costr tycn earthbound is actuallu the bst game evr made
shawn wite is p crazy
i didnt evn watch avtr take that JC
how 2 play YouTube- Battlefield Bad Company 2 'How not to be a Noob"
1nce u get 2 euro is prtty cheap 2 travel, use the train or walk; cud b the best yrs of yur lyfe.
1nce u go **** der aint no going bck
1/10 i was disapoint & reach shud b cool