I think this is the best Halo video I have seen so far. Hands down.
You've lost my respect also.
Yeah I saw this featured on mlgpro.com and I was blown away I mean their techniques to get away and fly over obsticles are ridiculously genius!...
That was dumb.
Well I guess we all know that bubble shields aren't as protective as we think they are!
I took like 4 headache pills after playing this... AWESOME!!!
Man that was hard and i still havent found him its been like 10 min lol
I've seen alot of those, their pretty hilarious
Hahahaha I love the voicemail theater. I couldnt really understand what you were saying but I heard some of it, that was hilarious.
Yeah I saw this a while ago I laughed soooo hard. And before I saw this video someone actually did it to me I freaked out haha
Thank you so much Techno!!!!! I've always wanted to have a video on youtube!
Hahahahahaha He spelled "awesome" wrong. He spelled it awsome" at the end LOL. Any ways that pretty funny that you caught him.
Gamertag: A Nasty Fresh Link to File Share: http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=A%20Nasty%20Fresh File Share Slot #: 12...
Man thats soooo cool
yeah not working...
Coolest video I've seen in Halo ever. So far.
Wow its amazing to even think about. IF there are more planets like ours if you think about it, what would they look like? What would their...
Finally They Made Blackout As An Mlg Map!!!!
Hhahahaha those are pretty funny
OMG that cat looks exactly like Garfield!!!!!!