Hahaha wow. Just wow.
Man you were pretty good. You still skate?
I joined the group but I'm kinda with Nemi. It would be extremely hard to add in that feature.
That has happened to me so many times. It makes me so angry its just lag and host that mess it up like Penguin said.
I thought it was pretty intresting. Thank god for being born in the 90's!
Hahahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahha Omg that was the most hilarious video ever.
You spelled awesome wrong haha but anyways the first time i watched it i thought you just shot one brute shot and that only launched you that far...
Haha ive done that with about 8 people its so fun when your the one shooting haha
I don't know if I'm putting this in the right forum, but I need a gametype where you start with no gun. Does anyone possibly have one that they...
Awesome map cant wait to play it
If you had actually READ the post then you wouldn't be saying that.
... The links arent there
Hahaha those are hilarious Thats those moments when all you can think is what the ****!??! haha
Also it was ever more funny cause the mongoose driver was invisible hahaha
OMG that was awesome!!!! Perfect camera angle it was so unexpected that was awesome!
Omg This Looks Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG I saw that I while ago and I thought it was the most hilarious video ever i laughed till i cried haha. My favorite parts are when he picks it...
Well all robbers a just generally dumb but this guys a ****ing retard LOL
Great reflexes for the person the guy almost hit, if she didnt hit the breaks a little right then her front of her car would be gone. That guys a...
Haha alot of sticks. Cool map.