Great style, i myself don't enjoy Asset, but i find it to be one of the most creative gametypes out there right now. When it became this popular...
You have any game types for this? This is very incredible, a definate move in the right direction for origional gameplay. I don't think you should...
Ahh, i heard of many people talking of this map, they called it Halo 3 fallout. I can't wait to play it and so many people say that the...
Hey, good to see someone using a sewer in a city based map. I tried that, but it didn't quite work very well... Average map, average quality, i...
Creative! I love your thread post and how intersting the story is. As much as i saw the map it looked like one that i wan't to make, a sort of...
I recently created a map like this for a friend. What i do like is the approach you took for this map, but it didn't play well. What i find great...
Great post overall! It was very organized, clean and straight to the point. I find this linear type of gameplay to be awsome fun and i can't wait...
When does this contest end? Are there any requirements for a due date? I would like to try this contest out, so i was just wondering.
From the way this looks, it could be just another one of those smooth and nothing out of the ordinary race maps, which there seems to be an...
Hey there sarcasm. I wrote something i wish to get an opinion on and i figured because your such a great writer that you could give me your...
Understanding the zombie psyche By Estmid (for privacy matters this name has been replaced with a gamertag) In order for any person to truly...
I really used to love Juggernaut, what happened to that! I try to use that in gametypes as much as possible. I wish that we wouldn't ***** out...
I use 2, i can't aim very well and usually are willing to sacrifice a bit of turning speed for better shots.
Post looks great, i love the video addition that really helped to elaborate on the playability. The map itself is so original. The mountain really...
Right, i forgot to mention a very important rule, thanks for reminding me. We played by using only the objects listed from Dumpster and down,...
Hello there, This is Estmid, and i was here to project a map that i am building. It is up for critisism, but it is only the idea so far, no...
Hello there, I was wondering what an OLN canvas is and or what it does. I just heard to phrase a few times and was a bit confused. Anybody know?...
Ghost Merging Hello there, My name is Estmid, (yes, it's a gamertag), and i am here to explain a few things that i found about this new form of...
Well, i finally found this post! A few friends told me about a game called Left 4 bread and i know that they meant it was on forgehub because...
What is ghost merging? Anyways, the map looks amazing, truly Eye candy like Er1co said. I don't know how it plays, but it looks perfect. All these...