good map. you got some good ideas. maybe its a little bit too open at some you can maybe add a stone block ar a wall. i see that you...
wow nice toturial how the geo-merge in the sky- bubble. its a good idea to overload the map and other method is the normally geo-merge them but...
nice pics i think my favourite picture is the first one i like how you use the bubble shield with the pen and ink effect. you done that in the...
hhmm i think it a little to bit simple maybe it would looks better if jonson would have a laser too and jonson and you shoot at the same time with...
lol very simple but it looks interesting. maybe you could place the sparten a little bit more before the ball that you can see the whole...
nice map. hopefully it is as good as the map you forge on foudry where the pros play warmups on live events on. i see that you interlocked very...
not bad you got some good ideas. I see that you interlock that bases so that looks good too. maybe it would looks a little bit cleaner if you...
Nice map, thats a good idea to use fusion coils to jump to higher parts. But i think it looks better merged . You right the gameplay is almost...
Awesome map Hector. I think thats the best map you done yet. You really got some good ideas so the layout is good too. I downloading it right now...
good idea, i would looks awsome if you would interlock and geo-merge all your objects. the layout is good so maybe you could do a version2....
nice map you got some good ideas. i see that you interlocked some objects maybe you could merge the flag point for example. overall you got a...
this map is a little bit confusing. but i see that you got some good ideas. thats a good layout and i see that you interlocked some of your...
good map, maybe its a little bit small, but i see that you got some good ideas for example to merge the teleports. you got some good ideas so the...
very, very nice layout. i see that you got some very creative ideas. what i really like is that you interlock almost all your objects and...
very nice map. i see that you got some good ideas so the layout is good too. maybe you could interlock some objects better, but overall good job
overall its a good map. i think its maybe a little bit too much camping with all these tunnels. i like it so i think a 4/5
good map i see that you got some good ideas. the layout is good too. maybe its a little bit to open for CTF for example. overall nice map
good map, maybe its a little bit to open at the flag point... and a little bit to confusing in the middle, but it looks very clean. i see that you...
geo-merged? hmm i didnt see anything but i will download it and check it. i like that you interlocked your objects, nice layout you got some good...
Yes maybe for KotH. Or maybe just for a Warmup 1vs1 BR duell i think this map is perfect for this. very good idea to make these type of map good job.