Hi Guys I've been real busy lately only really just started to forge again I've had a few issues with this map especially with the shape! these...
This i would say all depends on what it maybe for? I when i made savannah didnt really have many rooms that were unnessary. it has a bridge,...
Security77 that was exactly what i was going to say!
it works for me maybe change all boundries Height, width, length, top and bottom.
This is truely great! i am going to change all my fixed weapons now lol, but i am hopefully going to make it so they are on a wall like this...
instead of having multiple nodes you should be able to have just the 2, sender and reciever, and change the boundries of the teleporter to as big...
Heres a few soluation's that i hope will help. 1) As previously mentioned, assualt and place fusion coils inside the generator for a larger...
overall not a bad little ship you have made yourself, some really intresting shapes and sizes and some cool ideas thrown in to, nice neat forging...
Nice looking map looks like it could have some great game play! maybe abit more cover on the walkways? Bare in mind im looking from the pictures!
The ghost's were put there i believe for looks mainly but do have can be used in gameplay so a bit of both, We or more so capone is currently...
Thanks for the feed back yeah i know what you mean sea urchin i am thinking of ways to make it less blocky but for the time being its the best i...
i must say this looks huge a should play well, my only worry maybe the lack of cover in the middle of the map! i do like the layers to on this map...
I completely agree with all comments above, see i only look around the aesthetic forum as that is my point of intrest, i have commented on others...
I totally agree on this! my main pet hate is that other maps generally race and Aesthetic maps excluding a few don't get the credit they some time...
Nicely done again grimjust when i think you cant top you last you do only 2 more to go!
Thanks again guys just got online so im doing some more now! inside looks pretty cool it is a very large space and the outside isn't finished yet!...
again this stops camping and it actually doesnt over power them as they are weaker! and anyway this is mainly asthectical so gameplay is only a...
i think i saw your first version of this isnt to bad felt a littlebulky and maybe could have been done a little better still good map
i had a similar idea great concept just out of curiousty how much does this cost to make my esimate is about 800-1000 resources