Thanx, oh and btw tribulums looking good
Hey nevs just wondering, what program or site did you use to make Tribulum's model? its obviously available to dl because Phreakie has it too, he...
I Spy a Rainbow I can has one? no one has posted in a while and i thought i would contirbute Maybe you'll get this, maybe you won't (actually...
Looks really good, especially for a first map, nice interlocking and geo-merging, just one question whats the geomerged open box for? anyway it...
This is my blinding light! my friend and i, we were almost identical in our play styles, when we played customs, we were always close but then i...
ill just take that.. kthnxbai!
I has one my avatar is the bottom guy [IMG]
halo 2's campaign was so much better!! Halo 3's campaign sucks because brutes are so easy and they are no where near as hard to kill as the elites...
Supported Bridge I have found another picture, of an interlocking technique used in a lot of featured maps, the Supported Bridge, which has been...
ok lol i was just asking just in case..
Finally!!! i can haz remake? YESYESYEYSYEYSYE? now time to be serious Looks really realistic, alot like the original a few suggestions tho 1....
oh hai! i was just in the Architechture: Master List thread and i was just checking if you are going to stalk me or anything because i used your...
Nice Idea This is a really efficient technique squidhands used, called the Teeth, in his featured map, Radius, and it really works as cover and...
First off nice map! Ok.. Pros: 1. Needz moar interlocks.. jks the interlocking is really good, looks pretty flawless to me 2. Aesthetically...
Hey man sick map! I remember playing this when it was a wee v2, it was soooo fun! somehow my friend got into a room noone else could get into.....
Adding pics is what gets people to dl! it shows whether the map is worth dling or not! but yea i agree read the post oh btw nice map! sounds fun!
Woah nice idea, hmm if you could make it so that its fair for humans, maybe it has to be a two hit kill and once the first hit is done, then the...
When i dled the first one i seriously had to quit the game, get a glass of nice cold water and go back into the map before the world stopped...
I saw this map when he first posted it and i still have it on my HD its just so epicly forged! Every single one of his maps should be Dled...
Woah this map looks pretty good, i can see some interlocking and one piece of merging probably needs moar Overall for a rookie id give u about a...