He might be planning for it to be an enclosed map, and he doesn't count the walls of the map. Otherwise, I can see this turning into a really good...
lolz. Anyway, I usually carry a small notebook with me, and a pencil. 'cause I'm artistic and such. But when I have an idea for a map, I sketch...
I know many geomerge-issue topic have been made for Sandbox, but personally I have no geomerging issues, I know how to and such. Oh, wait, I had...
I've never played cops and robbers, so I can't tell if this is epic win or fail. Are the yellows supposed to be killed by the blues? If so: Epic.
Halo 3 Gameplay is too complex for bots - so far. Jumping up places, ducking/jumping to cover/avoud, frags/sticks/fire bombs & when to use them,...
Sorry to break it to you - if that hasn't been done already, but the name "Zion" is already taken: Zion
Do you know Left 4 Dead? Yeah, Penguinish. You just summed up what's -really- going on in Left 4 Dead. L4D Isn't a game, it's a simulation. Of...
Dude, you got my download. I prefer the classic 4-p splitscreen over XBL, just because it's a whole lot more social and ... Well, fun, imo. When I...
You had me at the first screenshot. Downloaded. The overview looks fantastic, I'm sure this'll be a map I'll enjoy.
Yeah, it's an awesome switch, tell us how to make it, 'cause I want to see if it can be used on sandbox.
Sometimes, it's just best not to be 100% accurate on remaking a map. An entirely new look to an old map can rejuvenate the experience. For...
Doc said I have a tumor. My carbine says he's dead now.
Shrouded is amazing, and heck, Covert is even more. I don't like from the ashes, there's just too many screenies with that effect. <3 Covert, though.
It's not as open as some maps are, although I can't deny it is open. The barriers provide lacky cover, and you won't feel (nor be) safe in the...
Wow, the cilinder room impresses me. I have a drawn design for a map with a cilinder room, but with a whole other idea and purpose behind it....
Allright, I'll be on the lookout. If you could PM me, that might be easier - then again, if you post in the thread, I'll have all the feedback...
Are you planning a v2? 'cause I love this map, but it's not perfect, you see. As previously mentioned, there's some bumps here and there, and.....
Are you serious with this map? Rockets & Flamethrower (Right next to a tripmine) & Spartan Lazer & Sword & Grav. Hammer & TWO shotguns & -TWO-...
Well, welcome at a forum. He can make a topic with people eager to join, if they don't behave they get kicked. Perhaps he could even make a...
Whoa, I actually like what I see. Looks small, yet powerfull. I like smaller maps :3 I look forward to the center-view picture, 'cause yeah.....