The Welcome Squad will definitely help you get some custom games together at least every now and again, along with testing and help! Hope to see...
Welcome! There's really not an in-born "good at forging scale", it's just a matter of knowledge, creativity, things like that. So, just a little...
Welcome to ForgeHub! To help your last sentence come true, you could join the Welcome Squad, and they should take it from there.
Hello, welcome to Forge Hub! If you're a part of the Welcome Squad, hopefully that should help you get in some custom games and try out your maps...
Welcome to Forge Hub, Juke! Just make sure to read the rules and you'll be off to good start in the community! You can also join the Welcome...
Welcome to Forge Hub! Those original recreations sound interesting; have you joined the Welcome Squad yet? I'd love to try em out :)
Welcome to Forge Hub...It is indeed much easier to forge in Reach. I hope to see you around!
Welcome to Forge Hub! You'll want to look for the announcement talking about how to post your map; if you can't figure that out (you'll need...
YouTube - The World Is Just Awesome Have you joined the Welcome Squad? I hope to see you around! :)
I'll be giving away another Noble 6 avatar helmet award thingy soon, but only to members of the FH Welcome Squad. So, join up if you haven't...
I've got the game but never really got to play much of it. I kinda suck with a mouse.
Welcome to Forge Hub! Perhaps you'd be interested in sending a friend request to the FH Welcome Squad, and they will definitely help you get...
Haha, I know right. I feel used :'(
I'll be helping with this :)
So who watched the Lions annihilate the Rams today? Great game and I think Detroit's really showing what its young talent will be like in the near...
That's a Knife Performed an Assassination on an enemy.
So, many of you may have seen the "bed intruder" video, or even seen the auto-tuned song YouTube - BED INTRUDER SONG!!! (now on iTunes) But...
It's a money grabbing technique, using an base-8 system rather than a base-10. Makes bigger purchases seem smaller, and makes it hard to get the...
I'd recommend you don't post it till you full fairly confident that it's a "finished product". So usually Testers Guild is a good idea before...