Yay!!!! :D
That's because it is...
Uhhh...yeah? Duh, WINNING. [img]
GRIF! It's my birthday, buy me Minecraft!
"Ran the latest version, and got more of the same mixed reaction to it. The map requires strategy, and in this case, we won the CTF game while...
I think that's actually a good thing. You're forced to move, or they'll spawn right on top of you. Play the game, don't sit back.
It's my birthday in 1.5 days! Anyone wanna buy me a Minecraft code?! :D
People who are good at this thing: I need people to play with and carry me to victory. Anyone want to be my Xanon?
Holy crap, are you kidding? We were just getting some bad rain o.O That's ridiculous!
can you give me a breakdown of the changes?
Nope :( not recently. good reviews, but its tapered off recently...not a lot of posting.
Boston and Seattle. I was at Boston last time, and will be there for the next couple of years.
I believe you have to pay a significant amount of money to get a booth. I can be totally wrong, though...it was pretty damn packed last year, and...
I'm looking at your map Ferocious Kitty for possible inclusion in the Community BTB playlist....I need to run a few more games before I'm sure but...
[IMG] Hahahahahahaha! So funny I spilled my drank all over the ground!
I do have it, yes. :D I just like to keep old versions just in case...have you tested it yet?
Excellente! You kept the old version in case, I hope?
Oh crap you did Troglodyte too...we're looking at that map as well, I assume you know :P I really enjoyed playing it :)
Hey there. I'm looking at your map "Nimbus" and "Nimbus Heavy" for potential in the Community BTB section. I did have some issues with the small...
Hm, interestinggggg. I like the thought, definitely worth seeing if it would work out.