This is a really fun and unique map to play on with friends or by yourself. I'm a fan of jump maps, and the main thing that makes one good is...
This map is really fun for casual people, so my friends and I have had a blast on this one. Though we only play 2v2 most of the time, it is...
This map was fun for a while, but it was much too easy and way to short. As tylyr1 said, each obstacle except the first can be completed without...
If it isn't too late I'll sign up. GT: BHS12Price
Yeah, I downloaded it off of your fileshare. =P My only suggestion would be to make it more open. There are a few buildings in Lumumba, but...
This is a really awesome representation of what ODST may be like. Though I've only played it with a party of 4, it is really fun. Strategy plays...
Yay, I beat it. It was fairly easy, and I'm no good at puzzle maps, so more of a challenge would've been nice. There were some new and creative...
I've beaten it again with all my own techniques, though I mess up and have to redo jumps 4 or 5 jumps. This time I've gotten it down to 4:20-ish,...
Before reading your last few comments I beat it using your descriptions. I got it in 4 minutes and 35-ish seconds when I got 50 seconds. The...
Oooh, this is really fun. I love jump maps a lot, and the rewards are getting me addicted to this one. Tons of new creative ideas, which is what...
I was just watching the recent Sarkathalon 3 winners on X-Play, and I was surprised to see a familiar name, ForgeHub's Tylyr1 taking first place....
Mine's BHS12Price. I put up random Guitar Hero videos, and jump maps I beat in Halo. See my signature for the one's I've beaten. I WILL beat...
Here ya go. I'd hate to see so much work on a post go to waste, so I fixed it up for ya. =) Feel free to edit this into your first post....
If I ever get through a full round, and don't suck on the other 2, I'll get it on Youtube, but I've yet to finish one, I'll keep trying though.
Oooh, this is quite a fun mini-game you made there. Though not quite the same as Galaga, it still gives it a similar feel. It wasn't until I...
Yay, I love all these Sandbox jump maps lately, glad to see another. I played it and beat it, and it was a bit too easy. The jumps were all...
Yup, beat you to it. I'll play this with you this weekend or something. Anyway, this map was much better than others I've done, and the most...
I got the Youtube video uploaded, I linked it in my previous post, but here it is again: Youtube
Wow, I should've beaten this... I was home free, when I got to the mongoose jump, but there were no mongooses. So I reluctantly changed it to...