Nice job with the merging/interlocking, especially the staircase corner thing. It might just seem this way from the pics, but the map looks a...
Looks pretty well made, nice job using the streetlight as a natural jump to the camo. The box merged in the middle looks pretty neat (I tried that...
You might want to give a bit of a description with your map, list weapons, list supported gametypes, and tell us what makes your map interesting....
Well since both teams spawn in the center of the back alleys, they're actually the same distance from both of them. And the sword area is pretty...
The bottom of the map looks pretty open, if you're going to leave it that way I'd suggest putting in a vehicle or something to discourage fighting...
Who ever said anything about hidden weapons? Every weapon on the map is easy to find if you look in the right place. The rockets and fuel rod are...
Telling people what to shoot and what not to shoot generally doesn't work well, unless the people you play with are extremely obedient. And btw...
Captain Obvious salutes you... And most of this map seems well executed except for the height of the walls. As much as we all hate grenade...
Nice map. Looks nice and clean and I'm sure it plays well based on the weapons and looks of it. Question...what is the custom powerup being used...
Thought you would... Anyway, this topic seems to have been shafted along with the map, so I'd like to see a bit more in the way of feedback....
Interesting idea, needs a bit of work but could become a great map. I'd suggest cleaning up some of the walls/boxes/windows, making the outside...
I dunno, to me a mauler or two would work well with this make to somewhat offset the power of the shotty, so you could try to put it/them in the...
I won't judge too quickly, cause I didn't dl it yet, but it seems that this map needs some cleaning up. I can't tell whether you've interlocked...
Well, don't take stop and think too literally. We're not talking about a life-or death situation here (well maybe for the chief), when I said stop...
Nice looking map, definitely well put-together, I've just got a couple suggestions: 1. Map seems a bit small for two snipers and I don't think...
The weapons aren't hidden, they're just hard to get. Adds to the strategy of the map, especially in slayer games IMO. The player has to make a...
Shafted By: JJ3672 Map Description: Shafted is a symmetrical, two-level, medium-size, foundry-based map focused around two center pits with...