I dunno how to use imageshack cause I use photobucket myself, which automatically sizes the pics and is extremely easy to use for uploading. Did...
I believe Nemihara failed in trying to tell you what was wrong with your post... He should have said to use imageshack or photobucket to make...
If you have an extra controller, sign in as a guest and use the guest to look at the pieces as you position them.
This makes perfect sense, but people 'round here don't like to see maps that can easily be escaped. If you have any budget left, try double...
Yea, I think four people is max for this map. And SMG starts/no grenaeds is definitely a good idea. You've explained it pretty well, so I won't...
Think I'll tell you this before five other people...your images don't seem to be working. Maybe it's just my computer...
Constructive critisism time... Problems I see w/ this map: 1. sword + shield door = campcampcampcamp 2. there is a camo and 2 OS within about...
Some of you people here need to learn to read...he said in his post that the ceiling was removed to take the pics and that the map is inescapable....
They don't kill that often, but we're talking about slayer here, not dodgeball. I guess you could say that they affect the gameplay but don't...
Actually, shotgun generally beats hammer... But you do have too many close-quarters weapons for such a small map, get rid of one of them (or...
Damn, you are victorious...
Propulsion By: JJ3672 'This high-velocity collision testing facility is now a combat zone. Safety checks have not yet been conducted. 4-12...
In v2 make sure you don't have spawns covered in shield doors, that encourages camping, and if you've ever had another team stay in the upper room...
I believe that you meant the pit...if there's a typo in the name of the map you're remaking then how's anyone supposed to know... Anyway, I...
I was just going from the pics and what you said in the thread...I didn't get a chance to try it out yet so I prolly dl and get a better feel for...
Whoa...did I see two shotguns, a sword, and a couple maulers on a close-quarters map? Let me step back a second, the interlocking and aesthetics...
Great job w/ asethetics...you know, interlocking n' stuff. I don't know how well this will work for gameplay, it's kinda small and narrow. This...
Looks a bit too easy for the defense...but maybe that's just me. That's partly because there's only one way up to the flag, meaning that all the...
Looks pretty clean and accurate. Looks like you did a nice job interlocking and other stuff. Maybe the center structure should be a little...
You need either a better description or a couple more pics to capture the feel of your map. Right now it just looks like a bunch of bridges and...