I'll be taking a look at this map up close for sure, but I believe some of your frame rate problems you're experiencing are coming from the water,...
I wasn't a big fan of many of the original maps from Halo 3. There were a few that were fun, but overall they just seemed terrible. Now I'd love...
That link above should definitely be edited into the OP. This is a very useful article for anyone wanting to build a competitive map.
This is a wonderful article, and very useful. I suspect that you can use the objects listed as medium, as long as they're used in the correct...
It's kind of funny, on one hand you're wishing objects had short idol respawn properties, while at the same time hoping for longer respawn times...
Ash's comments are dead on. You've nailed the proportions, now I'd just work on the details. If I were you, I'd develop a new modified weapon...
You can always opt for Bungie Pro, which gives you more slots in your file share (24 I believe). That costs money though, but that's really the...
Wow I didn't even realize this was up and running already. The map is quite faithful to the original for sure, with some nice adaptations for...
I'm loving that someone has remade this map. I'm going to run around it first thing tomorrow. The one immediate criticism I can give this map that...
I think rampant software piracy will keep Halo 3 and Halo Reach from ever reaching the PC market. It all comes down to money and if they can't...
^This man is correct. But if one team controls a majority of the territories, it can cause an enemy player to spawn in a friendly zone. So there...
^ This would be my overall recommendation ^ This is a wonderful thing! Da Vinci definitely created his own canvas. Just sayin' =P
I think those players who you refer to as "casual" just haven't gotten enough time on your map. I'm sure given multiple sessions, people will...
The building quality looks quite solid. It's time I delve back into forge, and this looks like a great place to start. Were there any elements...
Hahaha, there are only a handful of games that make the gamecube worthwhile
There are no dedicated servers in Halo or xbox live. The wait time is caused by the population of players in any given playlist. The fewer people...
School and work has been keeping me busy lately, and I've grown attached to Modern Warfare 2 lately (gasp!). I'm sure as soon as the new Halo game...
I would just like to see forging become easier overall. As much as I love to forge, it's become far too time consuming for my taste. The time it...
Any new projects you've been working on as of late?
Sexy logo Lights, I'm assuming you made it yourself? And we should give Sarge a logo as the New Mombasa garbage man, lol