Just a picture I photoshopped a while back. Tell me what you think. [IMG]
Made by Nicksternater. [IMG] Copy to your share!
Does grifball take skill? Explain your answers. Im curios to know your opinions.
Hi im Nick Novikov and this is a real boflex body. Nah jus' playin'! But no seriously. Ok ok im playin' again. Truth is im not exactly "new" here...
Play with game varient "Monster Trucks." Made by Nicksternater. 2-4 players [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Download "Monster Trucks"...
UNSC's greatest weapon. Credits go to Drtythunder and FSCNightmare. Made by Nicksternater. [IMG] Copy to your fileshare!
Made by Nicksternater. [IMG] Copy to your filshare!
A stadium inspired by the Foundry map "Colloseum." Made by Nicksternater. [IMG] 3 Ghosts Spawn in Middle after 90 seconds. [IMG] [IMG]...
Map Description: A nicely interlocked map with scenery from above. The environment is completely destructable. There are 2 plasma grenades on each...
Made By Nicksternater. [IMG]
srry everyone really i am i didnt mean to post on this site feel free to lock moderators
A grifball stadium on Avalanche. Recommended with "Grifball" (obviously). Supports assault, oddbal & slayer. I have alos made a couple of quick...
This used to be the official racetrack for an old clan called RussianMafia. Made By DarkShadow1875 & Nicksternater. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Made by Nicksternater. Compare: [IMG] [IMG] Copy "Metriod Prime" to your fileshare.
Fatkid reborn! As you can probably tell, that last sentence probably tipped you off that this map & game was inspired by "Fatkid." Game varient...
[IMG] Copy "Betch!" to your fileshare!
[IMG] Copy to your fileshare!