KK seeya soon:P
Check da group!
Check the group:)
Think of a question for RVBR.
Ain'tca gonna answer the question?
I put new question up in RVBR. Go check it out.
I don't really like this pic. It really isn't that smooth. Maybe if the whole person had been like that.
Do you know who on Hawty McBloggy took them? If you find out could you PM me.
Good day!
If Chron is on Live could you tell him to check ForgeHub?
Pretty cool.
Hey, when are you gonna put up the TGIF recap?
I didn't copy your idea it's for my site. If you had a site you should have told me.
You can win!!!!!!!
Some of them are ok, but they could use some work.
Sweet! that's kinda an odd thing.
I like the shots but what does that have to do with a hero?
We more people on teh GB team
It's terrible to think that this is becoming more and more frequent. His parents must be so sad.
Nice pic, + rep for you!