Nice map, dude. It really does remind me of halo 1. (aah, the good ol' days sniping everything that comes out of the spirit) But what kinda gets...
Sweet. I love that trick you've discovered. This is going to make awesome screenshots.
Nice racetrack map, has some good ideas in it like the fair start and the various drifting turns. This is a great racetrack.
argh he took advantage of the fun u can have on foundry w/ vehicles and hammers. I know how fun that is from experience, 4/5
Yeah, I loved doing stunts on those...anyway, nice curves on the scenery, never seen it done that well before. This map is simply gorgeous.
Great maps, love the neatness. And the idea of the theater is great. One thing that I dislike about this map pack, though, is that it reminds me...
Heh, sorry. I'm cranky because I can't get any sleep and my profile page crashes me. If I hurt your feelings, you can have a cookie. (sorry, I ate...
This merging is some of the best I've ever seen. Beautiful map, looks really fun. You should be proud, making a rare map like this that isnt made...
Sorry, but I can't quite see the resemblance in the first pic. Good map, though!
Hooray! Finally, a canvas worthy of many dls! I love the interlocking, although from the pics i agree with some people that the doors are a little...
Now that wasn't very nice. This ship probably isn't made for looks anyway. By the way, how is this a v2? I don't see any differences besides the...
Isn't this the second map you've double posted? You're such an evil baby animal hater. Anyway, don't criticize him for not geo-merging. Hell, I'm...
This switch is the most ingenious one I've ever seen. Ever since the discovery of switches on halo 3, they have been getting better and better. 5/5! is the best carnival-themed map ever! Great work on the mini games, and you put in the things that every carnival has: cheap...
Awesome map! I love the motocross terrain. I've never seen a racetrack that had this theme and hit right on target like this one in Halo 3 before. 4/5
This map looks really good. It looks really, really good. Midship was one of the best levels to have a needler in halo 2. 4/5. By the way, did you...
The might whale owns, this one looks cool, and if you're making a new ship, then you would become worthy of the title "cookie master". In otehr...
Thank you! I have been waiting for something to give me the idea of how to make a certain map. Love the idea of a tv screen. If I could give you a...
Kudos for the great idea for the map. AvP, everyone loves endless slaughter and destruction. But the map needs work. It's kind of open, needs a...
Even though i always hated longest in Halo 1, (NOT HCE, HCE IS HALO: CUSTOM EDITION, PEOPLE!) but in Halo 1, but this map looks a lot better than...