Ya know, I don't think that the creator of this fine ship should add ANYTHING to this thread. Ya know why? 'CAUSE IT'S HALF A YEAR OLD!!! Anyway,...
Yeah, this map looks pretty fun and all, but come on. I like the geo-merged grav-lift, and the interloxxing looks like you put effort into it. and...
The map looks pretty good for the most part. It does have some issues, though. Those double boxes do need a little bit more interlocking. and...
Haven't i seen this posted before? oh well, it looks great, and gameplay sounds kind of fun, 3/5.
Hey people, guess what the date says on the first post...I don't think the map creator really gives a **** about the pics now, more than 6 months...
Haven't I seen this somewhere before? oh well, the map doesn't look very good at all, and there aren't enough screenshots to be able to tell...
Beautiful ship, like the escorts, neat, nice interlocking, overall 5/5. One thing, though. Your DL link isn't working.
This is the most accurate and the best-looking remake of hangemhigh that i have ever seen on halo 3. To all of you people who say "it looks...
Although I don't know what Spark meant, I think that Zachary meant maps on the craptacular bungie favorites when he said we. At least I think....
Lol dude, first of all, no mods. second of all, hiding behind a twelve year old? pathetic. third of all, you didn't even make the map LOL. I speet...
This is so sexy. I say that it's the best Helm's Deep map ever AESTHETICALLY, but the original Helm's Deep MAP was better gameplay-wise. this is...
Not only is it in the wrong section, but it's also been discovered by doozens, not dozens, but doozens of peoplez. Congratulations. This map post...
Lol, this is a completely useless post. It's in the most wrong section that i can be in. I don't really care if it's a secret room, or if you...
No offense or anything, but v1 sucked and v2 looks like it would get about a star higher, but it still isn't that good. I agree, one of the worst...
First of all, halodudeguyman, don't spam. Second of all, don't necro post. and third of all, don't falsely accuse one of the top forgers of...
This is awesome. you deserve an ubercookie for this. the idea is awesome and the dameplay sounds fun, the map looks great, 5/5.
Oh...my...gee...this map is so ****ing fun, but soooooo unoriginal. It takes NO effort to make one of these maps, it takes NO forging skill, it...
Hey, love the map. It's the first actual attempt at a covenant ship and it's beautiful. 5/5 for awesomeness.
Haven't I seen this map before? this exact map? oh well. if you made the map, great job! if you didn't, imma go all shoop da whoop on your ass, do...
Hmm, looks awesome! Did you make this all by yourself? This is simply pure genius. I love the little ditches and the missile launcher, and the...