I am in need of one, and not sure how to work it. I am making a map on Avalanche, and I want a snowstorm. My way of doing this is by combining...
If you money-glitched and then deleted your Stairs, no, you can never place them again. They're gone.
For those of you saying skybases are old. it's pretty effin hard to be completely original anymore. I'm pretty sure basically every idea in the...
For th record, geomerging is just trial and error. It was never meant to work, its a glitch. Whenever I geomerge something onto one of my maps, I...
Well compared to all the other gun's iron sights yeah... I don't like how much the AK kicks though. But it is my favorite wep to put a silencer...
Wait the snipers would camp behind the shield doors is what your saying? I've never had a problem with that when we were testing it. The only...
Lol at least you read all the posts before you comment =D There's really no reason to flip the brdiges if it looks all clean and shiny right...
I chose not to flip the bridges. I did in my other maps (look at Castle Siege), but I got them interlocked well enough that I think it looks...
[IMG] Created by Squiiddish Supported Gametypes: Everything under the sun. CLAUSTROPHOBIA can handle Slayer, CTF, KotH, Oddball, Assault,...
So can the "spy" be a doctor at the same time? Is there really a doctor class at all or can anyone in the universe just throw regenerators around?...
Pics are working now, so I can comment. I dunno if it's just your pics or not, but is that the entire map? If so it looks REALLY small, even for a...
Looks REALLY nice for a LMC map, most of the ones I've experienced look like total crap. Pretty good job fitting everything together without and...
Ok I'm gonna take the moral high road here and defend this guy. Everyone has to start somewhere. My very first map I made was fortunately back...
OMFG we can haz Jimi Hendrix!??
We're all missing an important facet of Microsoft money-whoring... ness The Marketplace! Microsoft imposes minimum prices on a wide variety of...
I suck at that game Lol I can't survive the entire demo. It's like... a death hole. Of brightly colored squares.
I wanted to do that, but there was one problem: The Juggernaut is chosen AFTER the spawning phase. That means I can't set a specific spawn for...
It isn't meant to be like any actual map, it's just Goldeneye-style play. It's not related to Goldeneye's story or missions in any way
If you mean interlocking, I did it whereever it seemed like it would make the map look smoother If you mean Geomerging, the only place that...
Downloaded fo sho. I see splatters in my future, I'm too inobservant for this XD AWESOME interlocking and aesthetics, uberkudos for that. My only...