Oh, I haz a plethora. Rather than pick one, I've decided to compile a nice list of my 10 most hated games ever. 1: CoD 4. For all the moments it...
I call shenanigans. This is a fake. My Photoshop sense is tingling... First off, with the micromanaging necessary for raids in WoW, it is NOT...
Button Layout: Boxer Sensitivity: 3 Vibration: On Crouch: Toggle (Am I the only one who does this?)
Looks pretty well pt-together and interlocked. I really like that somebody FINALLY made a racetrack that isn't just drive around and try to be...
Looks like a cool idea for a map. For your first shot at interlocking, this is VERY well done. I applaud you. However, some glaring errors would...
Welcome to ForgeHub! Unfortunately, your post is not up to standards. You definately need at least one embedded picture in your post. If you take...
You can go back and edit your previous post, to enlarge the pics. But anyway, looks fairly cool. The map seems kinda big, and there might be a lot...
Seems kinda cool. The interlocking and general smoothness of the map look pretty good. However, I am not the world's biggest fan of Hide-and-Seek....
Kind of a cool idea. I like how players are discouraged from trying to break the map with the random death teleporter. That's a cool idea....
Pretty nice looking map. I like the general layout, especially the idea of the standing bridges that act as cover. They give the map a sense of...
This looks like a hilariously fun minigame... My only qualm would be that it looks like the lone first zombie would get RAPED. If everyone is just...
Looks pretty nice. Good job with all your interlocks, but I can see a couple spots where things don't seem to align perfectly (most notably the...
Looks pretty entertaining. I'm gonna assume the above poster knows what's going on and the map isn't as huge as you make it seem XD Nice job on...
Just wait until this gets featured, and then laugh at the noobs posting on your thread. It will be hilarious!
I've been staring at this map trying to find something that isn't aligned or interlocked straight... I'm failing. This map is pretty much amazing....
Bits of advice: If it says you can't save the screenshot, you need to go into the pause menu, go to screenshots, and get to deleting. There is a...
Looks like a nice map, from what I can see. Perhaps you could include an overview picture of the map as a whole, I think it would be greatly...
Haha but isnt that the baser joy in ANY infection map? You're just chillin in your bunker joking around with your team, and suddenly you just hear...
Oh, so those little concrete barricades CAN be opened. That's basically exactly what I was talking about. Ok that actually pretty much fixes all...
Seriously? I got halfway through reading this post and my Feature sense started tingling. This map look REALLY well-built and eloquently designed....