does rank realy matter tho?? i no its there as an insentive to keep people active but realy its the forum its self that should keep people here...
no it was one of those impresionist sentances if i wroked for bungie id be a very happy man indeed..althought theres no chance of that ever...
i ge thwat your basicaly if they outlaw some of these things and only the bad people have this knowledge then the good people cant do...
thanks for clearing it allways helps to have a better understanding..and to the guy thatg made fun of my spelling you are pathetic it snot...
seriousley..they are happy enough to put AR's in a team BR's game but not a br in team slayer??? so bungie will cater to the poeple who will...
thanks for the help ill do some of that when i work on a v2
im not to sure myself what they do..i think it helps for safe in having to have them on your map no you do not you can still save...
the first one looks alot better.the 2nd one looks a bit cluttered in my opinion
well to the guy that said ball wouldnt work coz u cant playball thats not true at sure if you built a map in the sky bubble and used that...
i get what you mean by anti mlg..they like to keep things basic from what ive seen..but theres only so much u can do with the object limit
this looks like a pretty sick map ill dload it n give my opinion on it
he did mention these pix are from the non mlg version..ill download it n check it out..
i did actualy make a sure it was on this one..its directly at the from of it you have to crouch jump onto it then jump again..kinda like...
sounds lke a cool idea i always had fun messing around with friends on racetrakcs
hell yeah being alone all that time can do strange things to a mans mind..maybe not cortana but still the chiefs gon need some
funny u should post that and my friend are tryna get to 45 n ts a 40 and i think he is aswell
well yeah fair enough lets just say its based on realism since you cant realy deny that it isnt..i was just stating that im not into that kinda thing
they need a UGC playlist..a entire playlist dedicated to User Generated Content from gametypes to maps. and if not game types then just maps.there...
well id say its a hell of alot more realistic than most games compare it to halo,quake and even far cry i think youl see cod is based more on...
okay so a few of my friends are final fantasy fans (4 to be exact) now they have all said that the 360 version of the game will have a diferent...