i like the confined, yet open concept. Pretty darn good for your second map. I would have to agree with Sid tough, you really could have used more...
I thought that the construction of the map was phenominal Matty, but the team slayer (esp. Team BRs) variant is pretty unbalanced. The team that...
the fusion coils look lag-tastic, lawl, don't they really slow down gameplay?
MY new map should be out around Friday, and I think it should be a major imporvement for me asthetically. What you guys can count on is that the...
Hey TD, congrats on getting featured man, Renegade is awesome!
I've actually made sure you can't get out of the top....at least from everything i've tried, unless two people worked together and grenade/double...
i think i'll put a delay on the gohst spawn, so everyone fights over rocket, then when the rockets are gone the gohst spawns
meh, its ok, you've done some really nice geoglitching and interlocking, but i would put in some more cover, otherwise great map 4.5/5
I'll make note of that...flammability+good map=lots of downloads lawl. Yes Norlinski, and it plays really well too, when i mention the games in...
wow....that looks amazing...the one base looks a little barren but the rest of the map more than makes up for it 5/5!
i didn't really know where to spawn the rocket....i'll probably change that location in an updated version...the rocket takes a while to spawn...
Confinement Fast Paced and Unforgiving, one play can make or break your game...can you find the easter egg hidden in the map???? Download Map...
wow, looks really cool, i would DL if i had the new maps :P, i'll give it a good rating and a bump on the bungie forums though
wow, that looks really cool, i'm just curious as to how the moveable objects stay in place...or do they just fly everywhere when they are moved?
i realize there are a lot of power weapons, but they all have minimal ammunition and long respawn times, they also spawn at different times...
yeah, i know some of the fence wall are a bit crooked, but i find they don't retract from the game play at all. As for the single boxes, i made...
Control Tower "After the war with the covanent ended, the war with the rebel factions broke out once more. It was at this point that the Control...