Thank you to all that helped me get the pics in this thread, i just fixed it...special thanks to Tydo, Ya, srry about my last post "Otherside", i...
yes tht would be great if you could post the link its in my file share
Otherside... My gamertag is BlackhawkO3 (the "O" is a letter not a number!) and thts where the download is!!! SRRY! This is a little map i like to...
Well the idea as a whole is good, i actually kind of like this map it seems fun. But it seems like theres is little to no interlocking (yes i did...
Not a bad map at all, your interlocking is flawless, and the map doesnt seem overpowered with weapons or pickups. But i would recommend...
Ya thats what I thought too, but I didnt want to crowd the map and make it look sloppy and what not, but thanks for the advice ill take it into...
This is my first post here on forgehub...I call it Death fracture. It's the first map ive ever completed so its not going to be the best map...