INfected spawn in the tower, its like RING OF FIRE map on sandbox skybox. People drive around the outer ring and a douche in the middle trys to...
I swear if you make this it will definately be featured and i will DOWNLOAD THE **** OUT OF IT xD THIS IS AMAZING!
Dont listen to anyone else. Bungie knows that a few copies are already out there and they even gave away a few. So YES YOU CAN. It IS NOT leaked...
haha yeah they were ****ing awesome! xDDD I laughed when i saw that he had a ACTUAL FALCON as where the helicopter falcon was xDDD This stupid...
THis is like saying "Im going to post a way to make 1000$ on a widely viewable forum BUT NOBODY ELSE DO IT BEFORE I DO ALRIGHT!?" Seriously it...
Um, it would have been EXTREMELY helpful if you had just made a link to the gametype instead of telling us every little detail about it...
I loved the jokes and such xD Made me laugh xD
Ok so me and my friends are going to have a finale event this sunday and we want to spend all night playing the BEST mini-game maps, the best...
It is expertly forged but the map is just boring in my opinion. Its too open :[ I mean its unique and all but I dont know how to feel. I cant...
This map is a near PERFECT remake of Power House. I bet you have been working on this for a LONG ass time :3 GOOD JOB! I dont see anything...
I did a quick test of it. Im 98% sure VIP works on my map =] I made it where every gametype works. Lemme know how well it plays!
OH NO!!!! HAHA i knew i forgot something!! D; Here ya go! DOwnload link! :3
Ive had this done for a while now! It is the last halo 3 map ill make. Ive made amazing maps before but they are all on foundry and i dont think...
I actually agree. Im spending my day downloading and playing maps. I hated this one D: im sure he could be a good forger just this map...ick!
I couldnt agree more. That last screenshot is the one that got me! That grass and hexagon shaped doorway MHMMM!!!! xD
This map is the shiz! I love it =] 8/10
You stole my idea! xD Me and my friend were gonna make a Berlin map as our first map on Halo Reach! Anyways this is a creative endeavor,...