Hey man let me tell you that you would have a HELL of a career in landscaping or architecture xD And Just these levels ALONE would be enough to...
huh, Cool to see people actually are making holiday occasion maps now. I LOVE the jackolantern Keep up the good work dood!! =DD
I think this should make its way into matchmaking xD
Dood COUNT ME IN!!! I would LOVE to play this with you guys! send me an invite to =] You should get a full 16 people.
This is the most EXACT remake ive seen so far. GOOD JOB! dood make more!!! xDD
uhh.... So is it just slayer... or what?
Ive been diapointed with puzzle maps. I found 2 REALLY fun ones. That were not impossible and actually FUN to play. I finished both =] This one i...
I LOVE THIS! Great job mate! Brilliant. It looks exactly like it =D I always wanted something like this. Could you remake Eye of the Storm?? xD...
hehe smooothh... Its very well designed but it kinda seems like everything else that was posted on here at day 1. Dont get me wrong, its a...
This map was awful mate. Not trying to be mean. But the point of puzzle maps is for it to present a challenge and not a frustrating and horribly...
So Apparently his parents were INTELLIGENT so they locked him in a cage? Well he wasnt searching for knowledge just lies and a false sense of...
How in the hell do you get out of the first room???? :3 Added after 30 minutes: How do you get past the first room it are so hard!!!!
haha dood! So creative! Youve got my download!
This is by far the best map ive seen! I WANT TO DL! but your link is broken D:
oh...my..gah... Best racing map so far!
Dont know if you took my advice or if you already had this planned but great job!!! =DDD I love these WoW themed maps. 5/5
DOOD! i love world of warcraft. can you make warsong gulch and a few others too!??! ;DD
Ok first off, im not trying to be negative, but Fat Kid is the WORST and most UNFAIR gametype EVER created. This is not fun unless you are the...
This is by far the BEST map. Make this. you own everyone else.
It seems like more of a aesthetic map. THis honestly would be absolutely terrible for slayer.