The tounges of dead babies are what I use for my floors.
That is how I found it to. During the first time FH got featured. I kinda lurked until I learned how to make educated posts and now I am more...
If ForgeHub gets any attention from Bungie (bungie favs,cosmic rick interview,humpday) The entire website goes to ****. Shouldn't there be a...
It is a HUGE rut in my opinion.
Yout XF account called. It misses you
Your XF account called. It misses you
Its hard when there are two good ones on a 4 page post. Other wise it is just fighting or "nice interlockz 5/5"
This is kinda why I don't really post here anymore. I decided to make my maps exclusive to another website because the feedback here is sub par by...
Then you should have done something more to reflect it. Dihybrid would have been a good name because i could see your thought process more. Di...
Does anyone think before they name maps???? Do you even know what a genotype is? Did you just randomly loook in the dictionary for a cool word?...
i <3 you...i just have a humble gretsch
How do any of these comments relate to the map?
0hai Mr. Australian
Oh this thread has nothing to do with pokemon.
I heard you like waffles so I am here to say hi
If you can make it move I will totally download it.
I like your thinking on this. Hey this looks like a good map. Hmmm. I havent even played it and tested the game play on it. It must be better that...
I <3 you ricky
Hi I see your online so i decied to make your day a little brighter by saying hi :)
I agree with the australian. I do see what you are going for but the elite kind of makes a contrast and sticks out to much.