Its to white in the middle. Make it blue or something.
What language was the constitution written in. What about the Decleration of Independance. I rest my case.
1. Weird Color Scheme and not enough. To much blank space. 2. To dark. Use more gray.
It needs something at the top. Like words. Like the color scheme though.
My Friend and I got a warthog on top of a scarb on The Ark. After we got bored of that we moved the warthog all the way to the tunnel system until...
You seem like the kind of person that would drive a chevy...or Honda.
X forgery XForgery - Home
Nope I don't. The only reason i come on this website is to remember how good the other site I go to is. Everything about this site screams...
ok i will when you do
Oh yes u can
Goatnutts is the almighty master of all things switches. Check out H3A for better help though
Stop Being British
your name is just orgasmic
Stop Spamming With BS Threads on MY page!
Needs More Lesbaians. I do like how the cornfield and the sunset seem to blend.
English teachers cringe when they watch you spell turret
I am a junior member and don't even have 50 posts yet.
Needs more Lesbians. Lololol I really do like the colors though!