thanks alot dude you should race it its really sweet but not my best
yea i know i was going to put alot of asthetics on it but the track itself took so much objects up so i cant make anymore objects otherwise i...
Ok I know this is mean to be a challenging roller coaster but the jumps don't work 50%of the time and it's so bumby it flipsme off I just think...
Thanks alot for the comments and ratings hope you like the map!
i cant my internet is down well i have a lap top for wireless but i have a cable for xbox not an adapter so i cant sorry : (
Clarion [IMG] Created By: HJ117 Gametypes: RACETRACKS Battle Snipes Battle Lasers Hours to make: 30 Hours Track Time: 48 seconds This thrilling...
well the reason its like that is because i didnt want the hill to be reallt angled so i evened it out that is neccasary in some tracks im sorry if...
thanks alot my new map will done pretty soon itll be long to : ) "Snapple Apples" haha lol the ending does need a lil work i think my new map...
thanks alot really i hope you enjoyed it! : )
thanks alot Thanks alot although i thought you could have found a few problems but if not thats great! thanks again thanks Lewis your...
yes Cheatproof i have no more objects for teleposters so there is a re-entry place at begining that works thanks
overall i think its a good track better than your last the double block turn was the best turn the hills could be tweaked a lil i keep flying over...
yea we had a big game of it today and the end has man cannons there so its cheatproof dont worry
[IMG] Synthetic Created by: HJ117 This amzing track taking almost 25 hours to make is my first ever made on the main floor of sandbox and...
o really cool lol
i decided to upload a pic to maverick but i doesnt even matter you cant even see me its to small
thank you lol finally im glad you made this post lol just like my new track i finished b4 my xbox broke but cant post lol i cant make one more...
not to bad also managed to only border one side of the hill cause i had no more objects left i had to move destination to top of second hill
hehe lol
well it was like 47 secs but because i didnt use a staked map i ran into object limit : ( so i had to make it shorter now its like 43 secs ill...