Of MvM? Probably too many. Also, Homer. Watching your video, and this is why the back burner sucks. @ 2:40 Team Fortress 2 with HomerSPC - 4 -...
So when is this gonna be? Next friday?
depends if the video is featured, if it was linked first then you clicked on it, and probably a bunch of other things.
Not the URL at the top. Click the "Share" button below the video, then it should have a URL. Go to "Options." under the URL box it gives you,...
Betrayal Win...? - YouTube Lrn2embed
Minecraft 12w34a Snapshot Summary - YouTube A video of the so-far-discovered things in snapshot 12w34a
Plus the damage reduction it has, and only able to crit from behind. You have the same chance of getting behind the enemy than you do of getting a...
YEP. Questions: Would we do a 6v6/9v9 one class per person? Or just a "LETS ALL GO INTO A SERVER."
¡Mayday! "Darker Shades" Music Video - YouTube KiD CuDi - Just What I Am ft. King Chip - YouTube
Yeah, everytime I get the chance to taunt kill someone, I always die :C Edited by merge: So use the default flamethrower. Much better....
I think the PPC needs another title change.
Yeah, Its okay. I usually use it whenever there are a bunch of people on a control point. I like to **** off and no-scope though.
Exactly, and the Degreaser's weapon switch is great in combat. I'll go ahead and say all the classes and their weapons that I use. Offense...
If you haven't realized, I already gave you Critique on Skype. Back-burner sucks ass.
I just want to beat the **** out of my brother.
This is just a Proof of concept, and to see if I could do it. And I think that the dispenser thing is better, so its not tossing your armor on the...
If I'm on a good computer, I'll usually play Scout. I usually use one loadout, which is: Scattergun Mad Milk Candy Cane. It works wonders...
This and Minecraft are the only PC games I play, but I'm currently looking for a Strange Flamethrower, or a Strange Sniper. :c I have all these...
Well they are making a competitive 4v4 zombies aswell. Not sure how they plan on doing it, but its gonna happen.