But they aren't classic 8/16 bit games like old NES games. New graphics and derpity derp. I might browse around.
PPC 2.0 - Next time, We eat clown shoes.
Is it just me or does anyone else really wish to play a "New" NES game? I think a throwback game would be the ****, even if it is on the newer...
Remove the green blocks and everything, I say just a creeper face, and maybe a shade of green that you could use to color the sides of the blocks...
Pretty much.
Looper. **** ****. You gotta watch it. Right now.
Did you just get a texture pack or something? Maybe its your Resolution.
Halloween is around the corner, and I was talking to my girlfriend about it and how its both of our favorite holidays, but neither one of us...
I'm getting a new computer soon, so I will be able to play more TF2 than i already do, and I'll try to get to hosting these. Maybe not on fridays?...
Yeah, I've joined random games and played on Guardian and lockout.
There is also "Miner of Duty." Which is essentially the same thing, but Call of duty and minecraft. It also has a zombie seige mode. Also, I...
I won't be able to do it, unless it was around 8 Central time zone. I have work on Fridays, from 11-7.
I **** you not, I played a game where a dude modded in a ****ing wooden airplane. He was flying it around as a pyro and torching everyone. I swear...
Yeah.. I mine every ore i see aswell..
Well I'm on right now! Steam ID: cheeeeeeeeze 8 e's in the middle
Skype: itz_cheez3 Steam: cheeeeeeeeze (8 e's in the middle)
So i think that blurred picture is Valhalla. on the enclosed side, not the ocean side. It has a hill going upwards on the right hand side, and...
So does this mean Rocket race will have its own playlist? =o This could be great for Rocket race. One thing i miss from H3 RR is being able to...
Vice said he'd pm his guy and talk to him about it.
No, It would get merged with this anyway. and its not like every other server gets advertised here. Mining Bros Also.. You'll see this soon.....