Yeah, I'd say I played a bit before attempting to gold out things. I'm getting at that you have no life. Kidding Or am I? I hate that...
I have a golden knife and a Golden RPG. About to gold out my KSG and working on my Ballistic knife. After that, its gonna be the Assault shield....
I've always called it "Screen Peeking." The funniest thing I've heard it called was "Screen Scamming" From my rich cousins.
The Spawn Sequence number cooresponds to the base. Spawn sequence 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C
The reason why some of the base doesn't spawn is because its random which pieces appear. On Dominion games with shield doors, they have a random...
The Core on Impact doesn't remember the arm's locations when reloaded. :c
I was messing around on forge when it first came out and i seen that there was a new option in the advanced item properties, which is "User Data."...
Double XP weekends were always fun on H3. They never really had a bad playlist on it, unless you count Grifball as one (I do), it still was just...
No pics = No downloads. Just go to a server and take pics.
Nah, that was a day apart. First day with the beard, next day shaven.
I shaved friday, because I already had a ton of scruff. I usually don't participate in No-shave November, because I rather like my bare face more....
Sometimes Red, Sometimes Blue by Damon Zucconi, 2007
Stats = Meaningless [img] Halo: Reach has a ranking system that parties players around the same skill level (Which is determined by multiple...
Oh, I forgot Needles. **** needles.
Do not look at that. It will ruin your minecraft experience
Clowns, heights, and... Quick stops. Gas stations, whatever you want to call them. Whenever i was about 12 or 13, My mom and I pulled up to one...
Wrong. They are either going to leave the useful glitches (Such as BUDs) or implement them into the game, such as the "BUD Block" or something.
Spoiler tiem [spoiler]
So season 3 Came out last sunday, and I personally thought it could have been WAY better. Didn't seem like much happened. But one thing I hated...
I'm aware. Or i can just play them on the NES itself. Just wanting something new.