you seem to have your own style with all of your maps, i really love it, your able to pull off the futuristic inside building look better than...
File Share Halo Official Site - Oreo
thanks, i wasnt too proud of this map anyway, i mean, it plays ok, and it looks ok, it was just on my fileshare till i came out with a new...
Ive never tested it on 2v2s but i definitely will, thanks for the feedback!
ill help make an inspiration of the map, what i really wanna do is make a co forge similar to the spire have a central super high point and still...
this is a small 1v1 map i just finished, the map plays pretty well, i called it oreo because the design looping around the main balcony looks...
yeah i suck at presenting my maps, your not the first to tell me that, haha, but yeah thanks, i just have no idea how to get a screenshot for the...
i tired putting the sniper where the grenade launcher spawn was, in the streets part, it made the sniper a less targeted weapon, the sniper spawn...
the frame rate is in one small location and if you played it yourself it has no negative impact on the gameplay, i understand how almost always it...
i cared so much about naming it bro that i just gave up, im not worried about the names but rather the layout, names are the least of my...
ok thank you :))
this is one of my older maps, it looks ok, but it plays better than it looks, yeah, that's about it, nuffin special. Halo Reach Forged Map...
maps from 2:15 until the end of the vid, k thanks.2v2 map 1: Halo Reach Maps #15 (HD) - YouTube Edited by merge: please gimmie feedback on the...
use a slayer gametype with sprint and it should be loads of fun 0:19 through 2:15 is 2v2 map 1, okee dokee, thanks, ooh, and gimmie dat feed back...
lookin' good Sinless