So here is my remake map that I have been working on for the Forgotten Treasures 2 contest. It is an accurate remake of Construct from Halo 3. I...
Thanks for the replies guys. I kinda figured it was happening because of something like what Meta described. Well I guess theres always hope for...
I encountered an interesting forge glitch while working on my most recent map. I have two man cannon lifts on each end of the map and I was going...
Here is a new map that I am currently working on. It takes up about half of the crypt on Sandbox and has some similarities to Sword Base from the...
Of course I had to include the picture of your suicidal sticky. I did change up the weapons a little bit from our previous games. Sniper was...
Forge Hub Name:ehand88 Gamertag:ehand88 Map Name:Skidrow Link to FH Thread Download Map Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, Team KoTH,...
[IMG] Many fellow Forge Hubbers have recently found themselves doing something other than forging. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has managed to...
Hey SR8 in in my fileshare now if you wanna check it out.
If you are on XBL now send a message to ehand88 and I will show you my latest map.
It would be nice if you could render the video or at least describe what you have discovered. What vehicles or objects does it use?
Yeah I thought I recognized this map. Thanks for catching this one guys, and Legit-please don't resort to stealing other's creations. I'm sure you...
Very nice post, I enjoyed reading it. I like to think of myself as an optimist, so I can relate to many of these points. Great point here. Its all...
The link is broken for me.
Ahh ok. I vaguely remember that, but I didn't play much Halo CE
Here is the cheap but easy method for High Explosives. YouTube- High Explosive- Modern Warfare 2 (veteran) I almost have all 1000g for MW2, I...
Looks very delicious indeed. That chocolate cookie looks huge, or maybe the cinnamon ones are just small. Are they homemade?
Today is the last Monday that I will be in school, so I'm happy. Tomorrow is the last day of classes and I've got a paper due, then 2 finals...
..and I thought Tiger did all his bad driving on tour (cue laughter) This is a very interesting situation. Some reports were saying that Tiger's...
Wow, very busy indeed. We will just be having one big family thanksgiving but I can assure you it will be just as filling haha. I'm looking...
Honestly, you have to convince yourself that you really want to do better in school. It's difficult to do well in anything (school, jobs, sports,...