I keep on getting kills but there not counting but my deaths are does anyone know whats happening i've had my rank robbed completly gutted....
Matt bellamy - Muse David Grohl - Foo fighters Herman Li & Sam - Dragon force Slash - Guns'n'Roses / Velvet Revolvers
That must have taken a while but isnt it neighbour that joined final boss
"You fail." and how exactly do i fail?
Thank you i have been trying to upload a video onto game vee for a while now but didn't know about the grab tool.
Ask when he's in a happy mood. Start by saying that you have grown up alot. Then go onto explain that your friends are going to projekt...
Off topic: Your game plan looks pretty good im going set up a team when i get my 50 (One or two days) because everyone over at MLG doesn't seem to...
I just watched it that is really ****ed up. Reaction to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uAkMbQWT14
Information: Tempreture rises and Carbon admissions follow a short time after, And this has been happening since te start of the world (Well as...
Hey there its just once i fill out the information the buttom saing join game battles is in grey and doesn't have a link to anything.
Im back first up i have never heared of the Pacific ocean being referred to as the big pond only the Atlantic ocean. What does my age have to do...
1. Did you read my post i said rebuild the population not shove it in a spaceship, only a couple of people will go into space and will make...
1:Told you you were racist and i would not post that im not sure youre alowwed to say niggers on here but none the less you are digging yourself a...
Yes you did you clearly stated that you thought i was close minded then said aswell as most of your country so your either a racist to U.S.A OR...
Watch this video the whole way through then tell me if any of these things have happend to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IHoyqqNqcI
OMG i love you +rep for find walshy's gone holy **** the toronto thing wasn't a lie, aslong as its not zyos im happy:...
Im british OWNED!!! And your a racist towards americans They wait for everything to chill and clear up they have people in space for days on...
OMFGNROFLMAO This is from a thread on xboxlive.com OG Log wrote: Does really matter what any of these mlg twerps do with their lives? It...
Ok let me start by saying that if the earth is destroyed we will still have people in space to rebuild the worlds population (Now thats alot of...
Hey there i was wanting to sign my account up to Gamebattles but once i fill out al the information it doesn't give me a chance to submit it...