QFT ^_^ lolol
I think this is a brillant idea everyone forges on foundry and forgets about every other map, me being one of them.
Penguinish, Y35, Titmar OR Hooglebug
1. Reynbow 2. Zerosun 3. RavNcRoft 4. PlugInFriend 5. Mallet
Emm who did i insult i can't figure out im sorry for who ever i insulted and the link still works.
I made an oppsy http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=24771656&viewreplies=true
Im away to get flamed/banned Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Also highlight HaRpErdaBeasT and ViiiiRuS bungie should know who they are.
OMG!!! Banned in two posts i wonder if it really was him lol ^_^
There just dorks that can't get real women. Just ignore them one time i was in match making playing team slayer and these two guys were talking...
I am sorry lightsout but i didn't know it was that much of a problem and i am sorry but it won't let me change my rep. I wasn't even paying that...
Thanks for thhe good rep
These are not my gamertags but a couple of my mates that want to help Gt: dkiller555666, HLG Dame, HLG pheonix, D3ath0Rglory, XYZ Bunny,...
GT: gone comando, HLG Velocity, ROOKIE SA, Camapillar, Rofltrocity, Camapillarv1
50 on my first account and away to get my second soon.
One of my mates is getting a capture card pretty soon ^_^
I just float around with HLG members just now im playing with XL pro's so im not in a hiding group atm
Welcome to the HLG my gt is HLG Velocity and would happily show you some of my hiding places.
3 wired controllers (only 1 works) 2 wired controllers (both work) 2 guitar hero controllers (both work) ^_^
If you find this offensive then you clearly have never been insulted in your life before.