I think this idea could be expanded on. For lets say, town-themed maps, you could have hill-like spots, and the entire human team must be in the...
About the whole "infinite death thing" if they respawn like lets say in the skububble and contiuously fall, they would never get infected and end...
Ok well today I finished the basic design of an infection map I've been working on. I placed a few weapons and when testing the map I found a...
That could work, but for like half the puzzles the players spawned in different rooms so I'd run out of teles kinda fast.
Well I just got an idea about 20 minutes ago to make a puzzle map. The whole concept is there are 2 players, who must solve puzzles co-opperativle...
Well since he's doing stuff in notepad I'm going to assume it's some kind of Java program so we can have all the sandbox maps in one place, once...
Alright well I actually got a chance to test it today and I got some more constructive criticism: Having 2 hammers seemed to be a bit too much...
Well first I like how u made the map as symmetric as possible on orbital. A couple things though, I think there should be more cover than just the...
Ok well now that seems to work alot better than I thought it did. I can't wait until tomorrow when I try this with some friends and surprise them...
I think this map is just amazing. The aesthetics are great and I love the grass, the ceiling is really nice and, well, I just can't wait to play...
Well I definitely love the lava theme. And the little grassy area where the bubble shields are. Just one question, you have to throw a bubble...
Wow when I saw the V1 I thought it would be really easy and not worth my time, apparently not after reading this thread, anyway I'm definitely...
Wow excellent map, great merging. I like how the tunnels are merged into the ground. I'm also fond of the base designs, kinda reminds me of coag...