Some action shots [spoiler] Some tips: [spoiler] And just because I can... [IMG] Epic win sauce =] Edit: While attempting a new record, on...
[IMG] I decided to take a break from my multi-team map and spent about a day working on this puzzle/jumping map. Before I continue I want to let...
Wow, is all I can say right now. Simple, yet great. When you mentioned there were tunnels I got worried but unlike alot of other maps, your...
Wow it's been a while since I've seen a conquest map. Anyway this one is great. I love how you managed to use CS as the base map. The ghosts and...
My favorite part is the vert wall. I'm guessing it's a brute shot jump-type-thing? BTW how do you do a turret jump exactly? Do you just land on...
I downloaded this map a while ago and loved it, for the most part. It could just be the brightness on my TV but It alot easier to see when the...
There's really nothing that can be done about it. Try using huge or tall blocks instead of walls, it'll make a smoother floor and you won't get...
All that would do is encourage the players to spawn in the crypt even more. The problem is that they should be spawning in the sky, but are...
Alright so I'm working on another map. This one is a multi-team territories map with 9 bases. Each base has its own territory and all spawn points...
Hmm it looks good for a casual map, I'm guessing there's going to be alot of carnage with all the vehicles but that's why it's casual. It also...
HAI and uh..... i needed to add sum stuff cuz "HAI" is too short to be posted so uh..... yeah uh..... MAI TOONA!
Wow, the aesthetics on this are pretty nice as you said they would be. Now I can see how you would get through a few of those challenges but some...
Hmm this is a nice jumping map but pretty challenging by the looks of it, I've seen other maps with the radar jammers in the wep holders but once...
I like the changes you made for the V3, I never saw the v2 and I don't know when you added that bridge underneath, but I like it. Removal of the...
I think this is more about just using brute force instead of tactics, the same concept behind conquest. Anyway I dled the map and I liked it. The...
Well the only reason the zombies to 50% damage, is because I was experimenting with the zombies damage, humans shields, custom traits ect. so that...
Well I took a crack at this one and I must say it is very fun. The only problem I had was to grab the oddball someone had to grab one of the 4...
This is kinda off topic but isn't ODST going to have an updated forge mode? Don't quote me on that, but I heard it somewhere a while ago.
I like what you're saying and I agree, it would be cooler if we had more control of spawn times. But I think you should be able to have longer...
[IMG] No way to escape Four UNSC trainees are sent to this barren plain to discover why the former inhabitants disappeared. While on their...