i was playing halo earlier and our conversation got in to an argument over the correct pronounciation of the plural term for mongoose. is it...
I dont know if anyones made a thread on this or not, but i was wondering how many people of the forgehub community is anticipating the soon to be...
I was lookin at the competitive maps a i remembered that the original foundry had no interlocking watsoever so i was wondering why didnt bungie...
My newest map is finally finished The creator of this facility fearlessly had it fortified knowing a presence of danger; that it will someday be...
I must really sound like a noob lol I was wondering if there is any new breakthrough in figueing out a glitch maybe not unlimited but maybe one...
[IMG] This is one of my earlier well forged maps it has fantastic gameplay and is set up for 4v4-6v6 ffa, team slayer, ctf, territories, and i...
Enclave [IMG] Download Enclave: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This map i made when my internet went...
Warehouse road Created by xFr1ct10nx this is a fairly small asymetric map meant for more tactical gametypes but works with many others too....