Bungie doesn't tell us a lot of things that it would be in our best interest to know, don't they? And it's probably the new, unless Bungie coded...
Yeah, it's a cool idea in concept, but I don't think it will pan out in actual games, unfortunately :( wait, but what if you set the antenna to...
Nice. It'll be good to see some decent puzzle maps popping up; I've seen a lot that consist mainly of grenade jumping everywhere.
What I'm wondering is why they took weapon holders out of the game in the first place?
It looks a bit...haphazard...
'tis Google SketchUp
Looks a bit cluttered from the screenshots you've posted; you don't need to fill the entirety of the map with structure :) open areas are okay.
Yeah, whichever team was defending would have a cake walk; even if the attackers made it past the bridge, there's what, one, maybe two entrances...
Looks nice. I like how you used the scorpions as stationary turrets :)
looks pretty cool. Utilises all the nice new tricks that bungie gave us (despawning, putting objective zones on items, etc.)
This seems like a HaloBall remake.
Haha, it's funny that you used the word shrine; one of my friends that I showed the map to called it a shrine, too. EDIT: I suppose the fact that...
Won't jetpack break much of the continuity of the map? Unless you put ceilings or an instant kill barrier on top of the walls, people can just...
Maybe. But I don't know how playable a stepped pyramid would be. I'll have to toy with it. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
Sounds fairly similar to Haunted House on Foundry in H3. Good concept and utilization of Forge World, though, if it turns out to be like what I'm...
Looks playable, but kinda...haphazard, at least from first glance.
UPDATED (10/19/10) [IMG] Middle area built; it is an enclosed symmetrical maze (not very complicated, however); I plan to put a power weapon of...
if Bungie would add despawn times, there would be a whole new world of possibilities.
I was thinking about weapon despawning and how it lets you have no weapon equipped, but could the invasion despawn glitch allow the permanent...