Lock thread!!!! Seriously this is a poor attempt to start a debate if you want to start a GOOD debate then give us the background and tell us what...
Political parties are not necessary. They keep us back. . A lot more things would be done if we had no parties think about it, just take any bill...
Yes the sun can be considered alive just as plants are. Instead of comparing stars to humans you should have started with plants theres just too...
Long has America stood in two pieces. Although it has been a very subtle split we have not been the country that we could be. For a long time...
This just shows you can debate about anything… Okay where should I start. This is being brought about the wrong way First of all stars are not...
When natural disastors occur it is the job of those not affected to help out. Why should we not help out when we have everything and they have...
Okay I personally do not believe in this because it seems very crazy however I do see this as a sign of something else and for nay moderator that...
That is not the only problem this is not about population control or anything like that, if a person would be cloned it is like giving birth to a...
Actually it is an exact copy of the person that the cell nucleus is from. The reason being is that having a baby the process of mitosis involves...
We have all herd of the cloning of Dolly the first animal that was cloned and it survived long enough to give birth but it died of a respiratory...
Well I would be on FSC if anyone was on there and I would be helping with the website if nightmare would get to promoting me to admin... I have...
I believe that it can work both ways. In the beginning of life I believe that your genes decide your tendencies and how you will act (Its not like...
Many of you are making ignorant claims. If you wish to make these claims of this and that about anything that you criticize at least know more...
yo dude your wierd ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh angry lemons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!