I'm sick and tired of having my team go negative while I go positive. I feel like ripping my hair out when I know I am good, but my team lacks...
Seventeen, If you dislike haters you are a hater, if you like them you support them. There's no way around it. ARGHSAD! 1. b - BR 2. b - Fresh...
Hey, thanks for the warm welcome. Is there a forum section for arranging custom matches with people?
Hai, I wish to partake in your forum's activities. I joined because I saw the Forging 101 videos on noobtube and was like jebus christo, that's my...
This map has a certain wow factor to it. I haven't played on it, but I have walked around it. It's quite pleasing to the eye.
Umh, try no sheilds with 50 percent damage resistance?