In text this sounds like fun, but without the fast paced fighting going on whilst forging it'd be tempting to take your time with the structures...
That has actually convinced me to want to find some eggs in the game. Damn that was influential.
I can see Sandbox being a small Guardian type map for small team/FFA based combat. They're just messing with our heads. D:
I don't think that the site would be that popular personally. I would probably browse it if something spectacular was found, but I'm not really an...
[IMG] This was in an actual online game.
Also there are no links for the downloads. You need to fix this thread or in 24 hours a mod will most likely delete it.
The internet, it's some serious ****.
It was amazing fun at what? One-o-clock in the morning? It would have been more fun if Draculich or whatever didn't make Phreakie quit. We got...
Ha, that doesn't really answer my question. Some people might actually haz recon.
I've noticed people with pictures of Recon armour permutations as their avatar. How many of these people actually have it? Also, if someone could...
Either at the end of the level with the big battle, or the par that had the two pelicans and the banshee.
Thanks all, I'm getting a gateway for Christmas. Can a mod lock this? It'd be pretty useful if I could lock it myself.
Damn, because I had just had it unlocked again, played a game with it and then it relocked. I read on Halopedia that the armor is glitchy.
Okay, I was trying to get the armor I love so much back into my possession. I have 1000 GS in Halo and 49 achievements. Don't say you need the...
What's the price of an extender?
No I'm saying I don't have Security unlocked yet when I was updating my looks, and when I pressed A to confirm the selection it went to Mark VI.
I can't have it so I've been playing on a tiny TV in my basement instead of my high def. fifty-two inch LCD in my upstairs. I have a fifty foot...
I hate it when my team blows up the hog so the other team can't use it. Cause then they have one and we do not.
Oh god, not black out.
How often do you get frustrated in Halo? Also, why? Jesus, today I was customizing my armour and all. When I was cycling through my helmets I...