Ok,i can haz other kiss?*waiting*
So do you have time to do it nao?
hello im i being ignored?
well byes!
are you done plox do nao ur more popular around the forums than me so im not doing it.
pengy is making group and every person who joins signs up for a petition for that =D
well im trying to bug nitous so we van have porfile songz like myspace lolo!
yes that is me well thanx sexy dude.=D
awesome thanx you earned 2 sexy ticket=2 sexy tickets 1 being kind 2 telling me WTF that was.
Do you think i r really sexy?i dont mind if you says yes!
and what is that supposed to be exactly?
:) is that out of kindness,reality,or sarcasm?
you made me cry.:'(
so...um um um um am i smexy?
me and you lulz!
Ill think about it...
o man im in it ond no pengy.:( sadfaice
yay *strip on rails*
join the sexy people there will be candy!
can i strip on the rails then they'll be sexiest!