Did you read the PM i sends?
OMG it out already y didnt any one tell me.dude theres like no bumps on this map your the best map maker!
Wtf 3000 thats way to much for me lulz!
WTF i never noticed that nao i know to not throw grenades there i mean thats so gay but nice discovery!
Thanx im still working way up to 100 post finally lulz!
ZOMG 5/5 i mean it looks so neat and so sexy theres lots new features DL man qued well i cant wait to play this!
Add i lil more stuff thats interesting ive seen all these things done so its not so interestin 3/5 to be quite nice.its a bit open to and some...
Well he said there working on the song stuff then nao im guerilla!:)
y hello there!
why hello there!
So whats up sexy?
Yay im guerilla!
Ok man gurl im a pretty quenn *blush*
Yay thanx Nitrous ur the best admin to bug :P well thanx! we are lulz \/
lulz well y so serious?
Well your about to remember...
Y so sexy?
k *rawr*
IDK you tell me sexy cat!*sexier meow*