Greetings Forge Hub. I am Kealan, and my Gamertag and Profile name is Kealan 02 (the 02 has nothing to do with the Phone Network, although i do...
Thats a pretty cool cannon, but seriously, you need to link to People aren't going to sign up on some website just to download your...
Looks alright. I see you used quite a bit of Ghost Merging (I can never do the dummying thing). A couple suggestions would be swapping the Gauss...
Now we are really diverging from Kevinxl's map. A second bubble shield, maybe. I may reduce the spawn time on the original. If you want to see...
You weren't meant to tell them that! But if you forget where you left it, it disappears, is destroyed or taken by someone else then your stuck....
An open roof sort of deteriorates from the whole enclosed idea with only the tunnels as access routes to the opposing base. But I may make a...
Tunnel V4 [IMG] I'm not sure how many people have played on the Foundry Built map Called Tunnel V1, V2.11 or V.2.7 by Kevinxl, but this a...
Aha! The infamous Creator of Space Waste! I quite liked that map... Anyway, About the ghost merging, I would try to Ghost merge all the boxes...
I will consider Removing shield doors and possibly adding some more cover in the main bases. I might move the sniper to somewhere close to the...
I didn't really plan on using any of that space and didn't have the budget to block it off completely. I can't really incorporate it into the map...
Industrial [IMG] V2 is Up! What's new in Version 2: 1. All Shield Doors have been Removed 2. Sniper Moved to Central Turret Spawn 3....