I know I might be a bit late on replying but i was thinking you could add a tunnel that slightly curves around the cave and leads to the top of it...
That 'ghost of sandbox' was just him smudging a part of the map on photoshop
Is that a phantom i see?.. looks great so far. Cleanly merged, well thought out. It's really nice. Too bad you didnt have the unlimited budget...
When I was looking at the pictures of the map I was so exited to see a map like this made so well! But when I noticed the building with the ladder...
This is a really neat idea for a map. But can it actually be played on, like, could you play Slayer on it or is only for looks? Other than that...
This looks like it could be one of the greatest maps in forgehub. Seriously man. Or maybe even the GREATEST!
That map is insane, even if it not exactly like powerhouse. Great forging, clean merging, and I would'nt mind if powerhouse looked like that ;P....
Great looking map, and 'pleasing' to the eyes. The shield door elevator is nothing i've ever seen before. NICE!
Im confused about the map, does everybody spawn in the middle, and whats up with that warthog?
You should go with what he said, but I noticed in the video when you use the turret it aims 'up' so its impossible to hit anybody. you can only...
these maps look amazing! One of the best map packs anybody has made, BUT the pictures you posted didnt make the maps look as great as the really...
nice map, well forged, but sloppy merging in some spots. Maybe you could fix that up. I'll dl and see for myself.
Great map, amazing interlocking. I just have to say, the zombie spawn looks very easy to camp. Do they have another spawn other than that, like...
I downloaded and played with a few of my friends and i gotta say this is an insanely fun map. 10/10 for me
Dude calm down, and the map is 'awesomely' made even for an old map. The merging in the spots that were merged is extremely well done. Maybe you...
when i saw the name i thought u made a citadel remake (Choose names wisely)
instead of fusion coils u should make smaller structures around the bridge that u can hide/fight in.
i think the map is awesome and is perfect, you shouldn't need that many walls to build a tiny map. Common sense people.
That crashed pelican is awesome, you should make an asset game on the top of the building in ODST where you have to hold out until the cheiftan...